My entire week this week was basically building up to the two presentations I did this morning, and though there's a little relief that it's all over, I won't be satisfied until I hand in my three essays. As of right now none have been written, but I still have some time before the first one is due. Not a lot of time, but some.
Last night I dragged Tama and her sister to dance class with me. Little did we know that ballet-tyrant Stephanie was filling in for our regular instructor. I have to say that I was struck with fear during the warm up when even my yoga bendy legs were crying under the strain of side and front splits. I haven't tried to do the splits since I was eight years old. It was not pleasant. But I did get a comment that my side splits were good!
The entire class was a challenge. It was all pushing to get my body to follow Stephanie's lead. But I actually left the class feeling very accomplished. This was the first time that my spins didn't leave me in a mess! I actually got spotting right for two turns before I got over excited and lost it. I've never spotted right! And I did pirouets with more grace than ever before. And I got through the final sit up routine at the end of class without struggle. I walked out of that class feeling good. I think I'm ready for some leg warmers and a hot eighties cut-up dance sweatshirt!