Published on May 27, 2004 By Urban Faery In Blogging
Today was a good day. I'm in a good mood. I saw Matt, I had a bagel (and What-A-Bagel!), I shopped, I showered, I worked, I saw Phantom, ain't nothin' to complain about today! I'm chipper, and cheerful, and really wanting to make crafts.

It's odd, but I'm a bit of a granny. It's a little premature, but I am. I carry candy in my purse and notepads to entertain people in waiting situations. it's all good. The other day I was in a craft store and I saw a multicoloured wool that I love. And I want it. I want to make blanket after blanket out of it! I have a hankerin' for some crocheting. The problem is, is that it's an expensive habit. I think that this would be the perfect wool to match the couch in my new house next year, and also the walls of my new livingroom. I need this wool! But I don't want to pay! But I have too! Oh it's hard. I'm finding that, in the words of Oscar Wilde, "I can resist everything except temptation." Oh well, maybe I'll end up selling my blankets so that I can buy groceries next year.

on May 31, 2004
Yeah, I love you for it. Who would entertain me in line if it wasn't for you. I havn't paid my phone bill yet. I need you to force me to do it. OHHH i miss 304. Are you taping QAF tonight? I'm Bored!!! Come up and play with me!
on May 31, 2004
Apparently there's a New York trip in the works. I'll play with you then. I miss 304 too. Bah. Come here and visit! Matt wants to see you! ;o)