Your Balls are Watching
Published on October 15, 2004 By Urban Faery In Blogging
It's been awhile. And yet I"m still top of the list at tederick. Let's see how long it takes you to find this!

Of course the moment when I have the most to do is the moment when the procrastinatory lure of the blog tempts me in. All is generally chaos at the moment. I have been blog free, but coming up with brilliant titles lately, so here I am again. I'm back in gooloph in the new house. My room is a vibrant tempting teal which is excellent. The entire house is quite colourful, though we're not quite done yet. We still need to paint the bathroom hot pink and instal the feather boa around the mirror, and paint the upstairs bathroom lagoon styles. There are grand plans.

We haven't had our ribbon cutting ceremony yet, but when this house is done, man that will be the gala event of the season. So far we've had a Rosh Hashanah dinner party, tomorrow we're having a Mennonite potluck, and in the near future we're having a Cosmo slumber party where we will read cosmo, drink cosmos and watch an ungodly amount of Sex and the City.

I'm not entirely sure what to entitle tederick's upcoming visit as it graces the many themes of hobbit ballads, survivor bingeing, naked runs, drag shows, and addictions. I'll come up with a brilliant title. And then I'll post it. Because that's just the kind of girl I am.

I'm really missing people right now and I finally spoke to one of my best friends tonight after almost five months of no communication. I'm making a huge effort to call and e-mail and such, but life is busy. So I just have to keep on truckin'. Hey! I'm wearing that t-shirt right now. Mmmmmmm subliminal.

Anyway, I have plenty to say about my road trip to Ani in Eerie and the wonders of glorifying teen pregnancy in Saved, but as we know I may not blog for months, so perhaps you'll just have to call. "

on Oct 18, 2004
All right, it took me three days. And TECHnically, you pointed me this way. But......... yeah.
on Oct 19, 2004
yeah I wasn't gonna, but then I got sick of checking and finding nothing. So there.