Published on February 25, 2004 By Urban Faery In Blogging
My former happiness has faded into a pile of anxiety. Not pleased. I'm getting increasingly nervous about my monologue. My acting teacher is on the side of the critical, and I'm just not in the mood. Phantom is no longer coming to visit tomorrow. Which is probably a smart move, yet it makes me sad. I'm thinking of going home this weekend. I don't know. I should probably stay and prepare for midterm, but I really don't want to. Bah. I need someone to make all of my life decisions for me. Right now. Anyone?
on Feb 25, 2004
Bah. Can't even stay out of town for six consecutive minutes. I KNEW IT.

No, seriously, c'mon home, we can drown our sorrows together. There: decision made!

Also, here's what occured to me just know whilst taking a shit: as I commented a few postings back, this whole commenting thing wasn't working for me at all for weeks and weeks. But then, when you threw up your hands and asked for some small sign that you should keep blogging, voila, the comments function magically reappeared. See where I'm going with this? You've got Jebus on your side!
on Feb 25, 2004
But of course! Monsieur Jesus is your friend. BY the way, where did he get those fabulous sandals? Je vais ĂȘtre triste que tu parts cette fin de semaine, mais ton bonheur est la chose la plus important! He's getting old, but he's a good mouse.
on Feb 26, 2004
Drown our sorrows eh, that sort of contradicts the NO DRINKING!
on Feb 26, 2004
Hey... NO DRINKING! Dammit all to sonofabitch christ.