Happy Groundhog day yesterday! I hear tell that the Ground hog saw it’s shadow, which means six more weeks of Winter. I think. But I can’t remember what the other option is. Is six more weeks a good thing? It doesn’t sound so bad to me. I seem to remember as a child hoping that the Groundhog would see it’s shadow, but maybe that’s just because I think it’s sad when your shadow is missing. Though I do remember making brown construction paper cut-outs of Groundhogs in my kindergarten class ...
Mo’ Mogo Mogo! So satisfying. So very satisfying. I am so incredibly happy to have my Survivor back on the air! Man oh man is it good! It is just so damned nice not to have to learn new characters and such. I learned tonight that my love for Rudy, Richard, Big Tom and Lex are still going strong, and my hatred for Boston Rob is burning with a fiery passion. I’ll take other Rob any day. I’m not really feeling the women all that much so far. I was really sad to see Tina go. Bah, so sw...
For those interested, Superbowl comes through spell check to be changed to "Superb Owl"
I am so tired. Oh man. I have no idea why. I got nine hours of sleep last night, got up at noon, had brunch at one, tried to do work and just slept from 2:30pm to 4pm. Not good. I have a lot of reading to do today, and a response to write for tomorrow. Everything right now is being timed accordingly to the end of the Superbowl when precious precious Survivor AllStar is to begin. Mmmmm Survivor. I just have to get everything done by then and life will be fine. But to maintain my sanity I...
Last night for the banner we went with "Oy! Jewish Culture!" Which is far funnier when said with a Jewish New York accent. Then we also made a little 'why we chose Jewish food' banner which added to the hilarity, but wasn't offensive. I dunno. I'm just pleased that it's done!
Apparently the president of our University has a mandate to keep the school open no matter how snowy and horrible it is. All of the city of Guelph was shut down today, all the elementary schools, the high schools, but not the University. That wouldn’t be so bad, except that Waterloo and Laurier were both closed today too! What the hell!
I'm taking a well deserved break from Spanish, as I've been at it for two and a half hours. It is break time. Today was sunny. And the sun lasted until after five thirty. And this made me more chipper than I had expected. It's like the magical sunshine spring teaser was what I needed to make it through the day smiling. Today in terms of classes it was a phoning-it-in kind of day as I just watched presentations. Otherwise I've been Spanishing it up old school, which is very necessary.
So here I go. I'm back in Guelph and fighting my way into the rest of this semester. I'm feeling okay. I've got some hardcore work to do in the next little while, but since I pretty much have to get through it, I suppose I will. But I'm sitting here listening to the new Ani Difranco cd "Educated Guess" that Jess just gave me, and I think it's going to save me for the next three weeks. Ani has saved my life so very many times without knowing it. What an awesome power she has. Hopefully m...
So I'm home. And I've been sleeping in until one in the afternoon. It's only been two days so far with the sleeping in, but it's making me want to spend all day in my pjs instead of going outside. Ultimately it's not such a bad thing, I just have to be careful, because that can lead me into the depression. And I'm trying to avoid that. I haven't done a lick of work, but I'm going to try to do some today. I've been spending most of my time with Phantom which has been great. It would be b...
I'm leaving for my reading week in the next half hour, which may maean a severe lack of blog. Well more severe than usual. Bah. I'm so excited for sleep tonight! My room mate had to leave for a flight to Bermuda at 4am today, so she juststayed up all night. Good for her. Not good for me! At three thirty she was practically jumping on her suitcase while making aggravated noises and I was in my bed stuffing pillow into my ears and praying for sweet relief. And now I have to do my dishe...
I bought my very first photocopy card today. Look at me go figuring out how all this shit works! Though I must have had a blatantly first year look as I struggled with change and the machines and such. Ah well, yay me! This week has been chock full of insanacrap. I've been staying up until two or three every night and then getting up at 8am every morning. It's not a good scene. The trouble is that Conan is tempting me too him in the wee hours of the morning and I just can't refuse! I...
Did you ever notice how Oblivian and Bolivian are only one letter placement apart? Maybe it's a sign I should go to Bolivia?
All I want to do is get this essay done, yet instead I find myself staring off in space. Not good. All I have to do is write 500 to 750 words. Not so bad. In fact I just wrote 320 before deciding that maybe I should change my topic. I wish I had something thrilling to write about today other than my own boredom, but nothing all that exciting happened. Nor do I have anything to review or bitch about. Meh, I guess I can't complain.
He can say the nicest things about me followed by the meanest things about me and yet we laugh about both. I gots me a good relationship with my oh-so-tolerant pseudo big brother.
Last night we had a drunken party of fun on the third floor and it was awesome. I haven’t been drunk once at school all year, and I wouldn’t say I got plastered last night, but I was at the happy fun point of being buzzed where you laugh loud, and sing loud, but are still able to keep guys from grabbing your ass. A good place to be as far as I’m concerned. The best part of the night was that our Vice President of the rez came up stairs and did like ten shots on an empty stomach within an ho...