I took on Campus Crusade for Christ again today. Woot. I think that's my favourite hobby. It's always fun to talk to people who think you don't know what you're talking about and then prove them wrong. I'm currently taking a break from studying, which is generally stupid. Stupid alluring television. Stupid showcase and it's dirty dirty programming! I don't believe how nude it all is at ten o'clock, and yet I'm completely hooked. I just have to get through one more exam this week...
Twas a hexcellent weekend. I only briefly wept into a pan of apple crisp, so that's a plus. There was drag, wigs, fake wangs, one real wang, tacos, real flesh tacos, innapropriateness, grandmas, babies, jewellery, baseball, Barry Gibb, and the repetitious blaring of a my song. Very satisfying. And now I'm left all alone with the Guel-jivers thinking about how screwed I am for my THREE midterms this week. Not good. Plus I have to figure out a brilliant halloween costume. I'm horribly ...
There are a lot of small town-y things that I'm having to learn since I moved to Goo-loph. For example, the disgustingness of hard water. I've never experienced the tiny grains of calcium that seem to be ingested by small town folk. I'm slowly having to learn not to finish my cup of tea to avoid the horrible sensation of drinking wet sand. Also, the newspapers here just come. You don't subscribe to them, they just show up. Twice a week. And they tell you what's happening in Goo-lop...
Here is the oddness of Jess. One of her winter coat buttons fell off, and instead of sewing it back on, she threw it away declaring that it was time for Rod and Cath to buy her a new coat. Now, I told her that I would teach her how to sew the button back on, but she insisted on throwing it out. This seems odd to me. Because even if you are planning on getting a new coat, you still need a coat to last you a little while longer, so why not re-sew it! And to through away a button for someth...
Yesterday was my first indulgence into the world of public sleeping for the semester. I had been avoiding on the principle that I should be able to stay awake between the hours of nine and six while I'm at school. But yesterday the sleep took over and I snuggled up onto a couch in the bull ring and fell asleep. The strangest part was that I was reading a Descartes paper about the physical world and dreams versus reality and I kept drifting off and imagining different configurations of peop...
I have such an odd connection to cult-y movies and tv. This weekend I watched Dazed and Confused, Empire Records, and the best of Jimmy Fallon, and every single one of them made me jump up and down gleefully at some point or another. These are the remnants of my early adolescent hood when weekend consisted of movie nights and SNL and sleepovers. And just to complete the movie comfort weekend I've experience I plan to throw in Almost Famous before the day is out. I don't know why, but ...
It's been awhile. And yet I"m still top of the list at tederick. Let's see how long it takes you to find this! Of course the moment when I have the most to do is the moment when the procrastinatory lure of the blog tempts me in. All is generally chaos at the moment. I have been blog free, but coming up with brilliant titles lately, so here I am again. I'm back in gooloph in the new house. My room is a vibrant tempting teal which is excellent. The entire house is quite colourful, tho...
Well it's been awhile. Mostly because I was tired of dealing with comments, also because I just stopped caring. However tonight I was among many-a-blog reader and writer and I felt as though I was letting them down. Bah. Well I'm a pile of stress and I have a feeling that in my whirlwind of procrastinatory glee the blog will be revitalized, though possibly in the form of a household blog of my new yet to be named home. All will come clear in a matter of days.
Phantom and I had a henna adventure this evening to kind of leave an lasting impression for the next few weeks. I thought it would be a nice thing to do. And it was, except that we didn't have enough time to let phantom's dry so it got all smudged and wrecked. Ahh well. It was nice. We both drew our logo incorporated with the Dark Side prism. I'm going to miss him so friggin' much! I leave tomorrow for Menno camp which should be exciting. Based on my negative experience last summer,...
I'm in the midst of crazy preparations right now. I'm going to camp for five weeks and I'm trying to decide what I actually need there. The problem is that in the next three days I have to buy everything and pack everything, as well as see everyone I want to see before I leave, and go to the gym. It ain't gonna happen. So the prioritizing begins. The problem is, that I want to spend every waking moment with Phantom. We'll see how this works out.
There are a few things that I decided that I love today. I love chicks. Not women, (though they are excellent too) actual baby chickens. They are so odly balanced, yet incredibly fuzzy. And they make such a good sound! And they have orange feet. What's not to love! Second, I love those hair dryer chairs at the hair dressers. They just take over your whole head and make you all warm, and they put you into your own little world. I think I'd like to make a hair dryer chair movie where...
Nariman I miss you! I miss your whole house full of people. Nice to know you haven't forgot about me and my bloggin' ways! I'm excited that you commented so you get your very own article. We'll have a ribbon cutting ceremony for our house and you're welcome to bring and cd compilations you wish. Yay!
I went to Gooloph today and did some work in the Gooloph garden. We just took possession of the house yesterday, so we went today and had some Tito's Pizza and did a whole lot of gardening in a tiny amount of time. My cousin who lives in Gooloph also happens to be a landscape architect, so he came with us to the plant nursery and helped us pick plants that will thrive at our house. We planted a sumac tree, two yuccah (sp?) plants, some japanese blood grass and some crazy curly spirally gra...
I'm back and forth on looking forward to camp. I think it will be great to be out in the woods for a month, but it's hard work out there and I'm going to mis my Phantom, and my friends and my family. It's the constant struggle between trying to get pumped about independance, and enjoying my life as it currently stands. I'm tired of being anxious, but it seems that I can't accomplish what I need to. I dunno. The summer is shaping up very awkwardly, but it's all happening. I dunno. I'm h...
I've been out of the blogging grove for awhile now. I'm debating dropping it for the summer, since the nice weather generally draws me away from computer screens. Also I'm leaving in a few weeks and will have little to no access to a computer. And on top of that I'm feeling very "meh" about the whole thing. I've been making with the childcare work and the gym going. It's all very exciting. And sweaty. Beyond the gym-going, I've been livin' for the weekend. I've been doing my best to...