Urban Faery's Articles » Page 4
April 14, 2004 by Urban Faery
Pleasureful isn't a word. Yet I've been using it a lot lately. I don't know why, it just seems right. Pleasurable just takes too long to say. And I have a hard time claling it up in my mind. And believe you me I talk about pleasure a lot. I get caught everytime I use the word pleasureful though, because apparently it only sounds right to me. Oh well.
April 14, 2004 by Urban Faery
I'm really bored. But I'm too awake to sleep, and not awake enough to study. Phantom just sent me a movie that is possibly the sweetest thing in the entire world. Sweet and funny. I'm looking forward to having lots of time with him in the next two weeks. People are starting to move out of rez. It's really strange to walk around and see the empty beds everywhere. I feel like I should do some sort of residence/first year university wrap up. Not tonight, but I"m sure it will happen. It'...
April 13, 2004 by Urban Faery
Well I survived yet another exam today. No more English for awhile now. It went fairly well, and now I'm going to have to focus in on Spanish for Friday morning. I'm all stressed out though. I can tell because although I seem relaxed my stomach is incredibly upset, and it tends to know when I'm stressed better than I do. I assume that the sure is movies and button making. I could be wrong though. I'm currently upstairs in a room filled with studiers, but we've been discussing the evi...
April 12, 2004 by Urban Faery
An excerpt from I journal I recently found: "After highschool, I scraped by with babysitting gigs and odd jobs. Mostly the jobs we call blow. I had lost my job at the base PX and I had lost my gag reflex. You do the math. I sat for the baby of General Speck, commander of the nearby army fort. His other son was the Artist Formerly Known As My Buttboy." or this one; "It is clear that I must find my other half. But is it a he or a she? What does this person look like? Identical to me? O...
April 12, 2004 by Urban Faery
I just found out that I got the highest mark in my seminar on our final essay, and the second highest mark for participation. Very exciting! Especially since participation is not my strong point. In fact that's what brought my acting mark down. Ah well. The past few days have been family filled. (Both my own, and someone else's). My aunt, uncle and cousins came to visit on Friday for a quick campus tour and some dinner. It was so great that they could come down. Jess and Tama came ...
April 9, 2004 by Urban Faery
It's true, Archie's home town was very monocultural. We're making buttons. Lots and lots of buttons. I feel like an independent activist artist creative brilliant button making superstar. I'm gonna have so many buttons. So far my personal favourite is the Buddy Christ button from Dogma. What else will I think of to press into a perfect plastic-y metal-y point-y button form?!? This is the perfect thrill? I want a button maker for my birthday. It would be a promising business investe...
April 8, 2004 by Urban Faery
The warm weather makes me want to bust out my hippy garb and start singing. I put on my Jimi Hendrix Experience tonight and had flashbacks to lying on the Leaside hill with Phantom after classes listening to our Hendrix and soaking up the sun. I'm really looking forward to some springtime freedom. All of my past early summer experiences revolved around highschool, so this whole free-time and working business is going to be a new one. But the more I think of it the more I want to grab my s...
April 8, 2004 by Urban Faery
I came back to Guelph yesterday morning for a day of thrilling women's studies studying. The exam is done, and I am happy. I don't think I wrote enough, but I'm hoping the essays are as quality as I thought the were... Whatever, one down two more to go. I got back from the exam at nine and watched Arrested Development with everybody. Apparently while I was gone they developed a new obsession. So we watched three episodes, and some SNL, and I talked to Phantom and that was my night. I a...
April 6, 2004 by Urban Faery
Well I've been home for a couple of days which has made the blogging more difficult. It's funny, I actually miss the ol' residence. It is good to be home though, besides the fact that my mom has been telling me that I look like hell, and that my dad is being incredibly insensitive. Oh well. Otherwise it's all good. Saturday I started my day off with some yoga with Matt. Which was all good. But my shoulders were really sore. After we went for coffee where I gave him an exciting pre...
April 2, 2004 by Urban Faery
I went to my last class of first year today. And now I'm heading home. In depth blog to come, but as I depart I leave you with these scholarly words of wisdom: When in doubt, throw it out.
April 2, 2004 by Urban Faery
That's my new favourite masturbation euphamism. I came up with it while reading my chicks and flicks text book.
April 1, 2004 by Urban Faery
For...er a...suppah I...er a...would like..a... PAHRTY PLATTAH!!!!!!!!!
April 1, 2004 by Urban Faery
Last night I finished my final paper of the semester and headed to bed at three in the morning. I was looking forward to my five hours of sleep before the petitioning extravaganza. The whole night started off badly as I drifted off to the sounds of someone violently vomiting outside of my window, and it didn't improve. At four in the morning an alarm went off in my building. I somehow incorporated it into my dream and therefore when I heard the alarm it seemed perfectly logical that, yes,...
April 1, 2004 by Urban Faery
Today was the big day. The culmination of my entire Human Rights class project. The big day where we stood outside and gave out free coffee and got people to sign our petitions. I was not looking forward to it at all. Last night I found out that we had made a mistake with our petitions. Unless you have a little blurb on every page of the petition about what you're lobbying for, the signatures are void. So of course I'm concerned about this, and I send out an e-mail so that our petition...
March 30, 2004 by Urban Faery
That was article sixty nine by the way.